Sunday, January 12, 2014

2014 Predictions

These are my 2014 predictions.

I have two.


After Apple's success, the tech media are trying to second guess what is the next big thing; MP3 players, Smart Phones, Tablets.... what next?   Smart TVs?  I don't thing so.  Smart Watches?  I don't think so either.  Google Glass? A gimmick that will have a niche market. 

The next big thing will be the Oculus Rift.  The day this is released is the day society starts to change forever. It is the day people stop going out to restaurants. It is the day attendance at live sporting events drops off. Its the day people stop going to the shops. Its the day people no longer go to the movies.  Real life will not be able to compete.

It will be Strange Days, meets Brainstorm, meets Minority Report.

And don't thing that it will be simply playing Battlefield or Halo or Mind Craft while wearing an Oculus Rift. It will mean new genre of games specifically designed for the Oculus Experience. Imagine "Get Even" on the Oculus Rift.  People are going to be suffering from mental trauma.

Oculus Rift is slated for release this year.  I am guessing they will be aiming for Christmas.  It will not start to impact society until 2015/16.

It will then lead to 3D cameras for our computers, 3D Skype, and 3D fully immersive user interfaces for all aspects of computing.

It makes Google Glass look pretty boring in comparison.


There is a chance that the e-Cat will change the world's energy balance forever.  2014 will be it make or break year.  Read all about it here

I have been for a long time interested in pseudo science, not because I am a nutter but because I enjoy watching these people follow the pseudo science play book; a recluse scientist (or inventor), ridiculed by their peers, toils for decades on a new machine/formula/invention to solve energy/space time travel/teleportation/engine efficiency/etc and how the government is trying to supress/kill/destroy their work and their invention will be complete with only another $10M of funding.  or anything found at 

Indeed, Pons and Fleischmann (the cold fusion researchers from 20 years ago) to a large extent inadvertently followed much of this script even though they were eminent in their fields and part of academia.

Andrea Rossi, the inventor of the e-Cat, to a large extent also follows this script and could be readily dismissed.  However there are also significant differences.  There are no conspiracy.  The 'machine' is under going third party trials, there are serious backers, and from what he writes there a team of experts supporting the development.

Also he is not suggesting that it is a nuclear reaction as such; not in your high school physics sense of fusion or fission. Rather it is something else.

Follow E-Cat World for developments.